What We Believe
We are a Christian congregation that believes, teaches, and confesses the following Biblical teachings:
God is three persons in one, which we call the Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is God’s Word, inspired by God, spoken through human writers and is inerrant.
Satan , the devil, is a real spiritual being who is opposed to God and His will, and is active in this world seeking our eternal harm.
Sin exists in every person. It is the cause of all bad things people do to each other and of all the evil in this world.
Everyone will have existence after death – either in heaven or hell – forever.
God has a plan to end the world, when He will judge everyone-both living and dead.
God's Son, Jesus Christ, died to take away our sins and pay the price that we deserve so that we may be free from the bondage of sin.
When one believes and has faith in what Jesus Christ has done for them on Mt Calvary, then they are a Child of God and they can have a personal and more meaningful relationship with Him.
Mt. Calvary Lutheran proudly displays the sign of the cross, a symbol used by all Christians. The cross symbolizes the terrible death that Jesus suffered as punishment for their sins.